Direct Billing Setup

Once you have your API Keys and Webhooks setup with either Invoiced or Stripe, Login to the Aditum Partner Portal and navigate to the Client Settings page for the client you want to setup, and select Add Integration. Direct Billing Integration Profiles can be used across multiple Locations within the same client, or you can setup unique integration profiles at each location depending on your needs. Each profile controls Billing Day, Service Suspension Policy, and the specified Tax Rate. Once a profile is created you’ll manage your integrations through the Location Settings page. It is possible to use both Stripe and Invoiced billing profiles with different Locations under the same Client account.

The Integration profile has several steps to go through, they are summarized in the instructions below.
  1. Select your chosen External Billing Platform, and Click Next.
  2. Enter the API Key. The key will be validated by temporarily creating a test customer in your account.
  3. Select what day of the month to invoice tenants. Assuming a tenant has a valid payment setup on their account they will be automatically charged on this day. While only select pre-defined options are available during setup, you can edit this date later to any day of the month between 1st and 28th.
  4. Specify the number of days after the invoice date a tenant has to correct payment issues before service is suspended as an unpaid account. This can also be edited later for more granular control.
  5. If the same billing system is utilized for collecting multiple charges from the tenant in addition to internet (ex. rent or other utilities), internet service can either be suspended on any / all past due balances, or only in the event of a past due internet service balance. This applies in situations where the tenant’s lease specifies that partial payments are applied to the rent / utilities first, internet last.Note, Setting conflicting versions of this rule at different Locations also requires utilization of separate API Keys. Applying the ‘Any Past Due Balance’ rule to any active Tenant Billing Plan will result in all Locations using the same API Key to also follow the ‘Any Past Due Balance’ rule, regardless of mode displayed for that Plan.
  • If Applicable, Specify the tax rate to be added to the internet charges to the tenant.
  • Select Locations to apply this Tenant Billing Profile to once created. Additional Locations can be setup later under their Location Settings page.Note, You may receive a warning about having tenants detected without email addresses on file. It is safe to proceed, but you must update all billable tenant accounts with a valid email address before the billing date. Failure to supply an email address will result in the tenant not receiving the invoice to pay, and unless payment methods are manually supplied in the billing platform automated service suspension for unpaid service.
  • Choose if you want to immediately create tenant records in the billing system, or wait until the first invoice is generated.
  • Name the payment profile, and click “Save Profile”
  • You can edit or change a Location’s Billing integration by going to Location Settings.
DTB Integration View
You can edit or change a Location’s Billing integration by going to Location Settings.
  • Update your bandwidth plans to ensure correct service prices are set for each plan. Optional additions to the billing integration include charging for Zero Touch Routers as well as Static IPs. If specified these fees will show up as additional line items on the tenants monthly invoice following the internet service charge.


Direct Tenant Billing is now setup and active for any Location you enabled during the setup. We’ve included answers to several of the most common questions below.


If a tenant’s service is automatically suspended due to being past due, you can manually override the suspension and enable the account, and it will remain enabled until the following service suspension date.

Yes, this enables a tenant to update their email address in the Billing System, and have it updated in the portal at the same time. Similarly if a tenant calls up because they didn’t get the emailed invoices due to a outdated email address, updating the portal will automatically update the Billing System.

Inside the tenant account a red bar will appear at the top of the page whenever they have an outstanding / unpaid balance, and next to is there is a button to re-email all open invoices to them, assuming of course they have the correct email address on file.

No, the Direct Tenant Billing Fee is a monthly fee based on the number of tenants you have in the system, a Location with 85 tenants needs a 100 Tenant service plan, but is only charged the DTB integration fee for the 85 actual accounts. It is essentially a monthly transaction handling fee for each tenant.

No, API Location access fees are not needed for DTB.

Yes, Tenant accounts that have the same email address on file as another active billing account when they are first setup will automatically use the same billing account. Email address sync will still function normally between the Billing System and the tenant accounts, but changes in one Tenant account will not automatically update the email address on file for other Tenant accounts sharing the same billing account.

Billing for additional addresses is done by the number of additional addresses, each additional IP being charged at the Static IP price. A tenant with a /30 of additional IPs, on a plan that charges $5 for a static IP will be charged for their initial Static IP and 4 additional IPs, For a total of 5 IP charges, or $25.

No, Only Zero Touch Routers being assigned to the Tenant Account will trigger the Router Fee line item on their invoice. For Non-Zero Touch Routers you will have to include that in the plan monthly fee.

Any change to a Tenant’s account triggers an email notification that something was changed, Additionally when the Tenant is using a Zero Touch Router and a compatible client device they will be provided with a Seamless Account Alert, which functions similar to a Wi-Fi captive portal that triggers a splash screen with the suspension notification.

Zero Touch routers running as Access Points are not affected in any way, Zero Touch routers generate a cryptographically strong random initial nonce on boot and never reuses the same nonce during uptime.

Tax Rates are created during profile setup, but managed through the External Billing System. For Invoiced it’s under Settings > Sales Tax, for Stripe it’s under Products > Tax Rates You can also change the Tax Rate a Profile uses by selecting / editing the Billing Profile, and updating the TaxRate ID field with a new ID from the Billing System