Billing Made Easy

Invoiced Billing

Step 1

Setting up Direct Tenant Billing with is quick and easy. Once you’ve registered and setup your account, navigate to API keys under the Developers section.

Select “New API key” and create a new key named “Aditum Direct Tenant Billing”

Once created select “Show”, and save the key, you’ll need it later.

Step 2

Next scroll down to Webhooks and select “New Webhook” Under Webhook URL input and then “Select Events” and specify only customer.updated and invoice.paid, nothing else should be selected, then click “Save”. Note, you can also substitute the subdomain in with your custom subdomain, i.e.

Your billing account is now configured for use. Next, activate Direct Tenant Billing by adding and activating an integration to a client account and assigning the profile to a Location. For those steps click here.